AAU Energy
Introduction to Modern Power Transmission Grids
Denmark is a frontrunner and benchmark in the area of energy, with the leadership in integration of renewables, sector coupling and new radical ideas as energy islands. To support the National and European targets, our research group will help the integration of new renewable generation solutions, the addition of large-scale storage to electric grids, the realization of energy islands, all while assuring a resilient and efficient grid operation for an increasing consumption. More specifically, we have the following research objectives:
- To contribute to the development of offshore transmission networks, with focus on energy islands and multiterminal VSC-HVDC
- To model and to simulate dynamic and transient behaviours in transmission grids, with focus on power cables
- To understand the interaction of PE-generation and PtX with the electric grid for steady-state and transient performance, as well as regarding power quality compliance
- To predict the harmonic content and respective propagation in the transmission grid, as well as to optimise their mitigation
- To develop novel transmission towers with new insulation materials that are lighter and environmental friendly
- To investigate and to improve insulation in modern power electronics with increasing nominal voltages and frequencies
- To apply AI methods and data-driven solutions for improving the performance, operation and reliability of the electric grid
- To assure the insulation coordination in the fast changing power grid by
- To locate faulted conditions in HVAC and HVDC cables with a high accuracy
- To develop protection solutions for the grid of the future a large percentage of inverter-based generation and multiple HVDC links
- To perform accurate measurements in transmission systems in order to develop dynamic and transient simulation models with an ever increasing accuracy
- To understand and model transmission networks with high penetration of renewable energies for stability studies
- To promote and to strengthen the cooperation with industry, TSO’s, and academia worldwide in the field of modern power transmission systems
- To achieve world class and international excellence
- To attract the best master students and PhD students creating and publishing excellent work within the area of electric power transmission