AAU Energy
Introduction to EMC/EMI In Power Electronics
The inherent pulse energy conversion of power electronic converters leads to serious non-intentional harmonic emissions and electromagnetic interferences (EMI), which can cause the power grid to operate in an unpredictable and undesirable fashion.
Although EMI and power quality is a wide and very old field of study, extensive penetration of power electronic-based systems, development and emergence of wide band-gap (WBG) based converters and lack of low frequency EMI emission limits have brought new challenges in this field of study.
Thereby, this research group focuses on foundation of unique research studies dedicated to maintaining power integrity of future electronic-based grid. The program also addresses generation, propagation and mitigation of noise emissions at device and system levels as well as improvement of power quality. Furthermore, the research activities in this program also includes measurement techniques and developing virtual-oriented tools for predicting EMI and power quality issues.

Main topics
- Electromagnetic Interference (EMI)
- Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)
- Harmonic and Supraharmonic Mitigation and Control
- Black Box and Physical Based Models
- Pre-compliance EMI Test and Verification
- Electromagnetic Interference Models and Prediction
- Multidisciplinary Design Tools
- Design for High Power Quality Including Efficiency and Cost
- Active and Passive Filtering
- Time-Frequency Analysis
- Design for Inherent Low-Interference Power Electronics