EMC/EMI In Power Electronics

EMC/EMI In Power Electronics

EMC/EMI addresses the following core topics:
- Future power electronics products target for high power density and efficiency with high switching frequency and fast switching transients (150kHz – 30MHz, >30MHz)
- Predicting EMI emissions in power electronic-based power systems, LV networks and smart grids (2kHz – 150kHz)
- Application/product-oriented EMI filter design and optimization
- Power converter and EMI filter prototyping and validation
- Virtual domain multi-physics analysis tools for harmonic and EMI modeling, control and mitigation in power electronics (2kHz – 150kHz, >150kHz)
- New power quality indices for high frequency harmonic emissions ( >2kHz)
- New methodologies in designing EMI filter, layout and gate driver for Emerging WBG-based power converters

How the research group - EMI/EMC in Power Electronics is linked to AAU Energy missions
This research group focuses on the foundation of unique research studies dedicated to maintaining power integrity of future/current power electronic-based systems. The group also addresses generation, propagation, and mitigation of noise emissions at device and system levels as well as improvement of power quality. Furthermore, the research activities in this program also include measurement techniques, developing virtual-oriented tools, and intelligent design and control methods for predicting and mitigating EMI and power quality issues. Thereby it is well aligned with following AAU Energy missions:
- Electrification, storage, and integrated energy systems
- Energy efficiency in components and systems
- Digital transformation and AI for smart and resilient energy systems