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Intelligent Energy Systems and Flexible Markets

Future intelligent energy systems with appropriate market mechanisms can provide stable, secure, flexible and smart energy solutions while enabling a much more efficient utilization of the energy networks (electrical grids, district heating, gas etc) and systems. Such systems not only accommodate high penetration of renewable energy supplies, increased hosting capacity, energy storage options and responsive loads, but also facilitate integration among different energy sectors for achieving more efficient and reliable integrated multi-energy systems with improved and novel business models for social, economic and environmental sustainability.

Intelligent Energy Systems and Flexible Markets

Future intelligent energy systems with appropriate market mechanisms can provide stable, secure, flexible and smart energy solutions while enabling a much more efficient utilization of the energy networks (electrical grids, district heating, gas etc) and systems. Such systems not only accommodate high penetration of renewable energy supplies, increased hosting capacity, energy storage options and responsive loads, but also facilitate integration among different energy sectors for achieving more efficient and reliable integrated multi-energy systems with improved and novel business models for social, economic and environmental sustainability.

How the research group - Intelligent Energy Systems and Flexible Markets is linked to AAU Energy missions

The research group within Intelligent Energy Systems and Flexible Markets contributes to the mission on Electrification and Integration by looking into the future smart and integrated multi-energy systems where an efficient sector coupling can be achieved through: electrification of the thermal sector applying electrical boilers and heat-pumps; electrification of the transport sector by looking into charging facilities; application of multi-energy storage facilities (electrical, thermal and gas); and active control of large electrical loads (in industry, water sector, heat sector, gas sector) for gaining flexibility in the integrated energy system. Further, the research group contributes to the mission on Digital Transformation and AI because of huge measuring and data handling needs for ensuring forecasts, state estimation, and optimization of the energy systems to be able to control the energy systems and act on the energy markets.

This research group is aligned with the following UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Intelligent Energy Systems and Flexible Markets

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Intelligent Energy Systems and Flexible Markets

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