AAU Energy
Introduction to Advanced Biofuels
The Advanced Biofuels research programme has its main focus on thermochemical conversion of biomass and organic waste into drop-in biofuels, where this adds to sustainability, circular utilization of organic as well as inorganic resources and resource efficiency. Our activities cover the entire value chain from feedstock sourcing and logistics through conversion stages and end use, and always include a sustainability perspective: we do not wish to create new problems just to solve those we have today. We look for (additive) synergies in feedstocks by effectively co-processing our most challenging and contaminated organic waste streams, as well as in process design and integration with other energy vectors (sectoral integration). Our approach is problem-oriented and we seek to maintain high relevance in our work whilst at the same time acknowledging the need to work with fundamental aspects.
As a part of our work, we engage in international networks and high level collaborative research projects. Currently, we are members of the EERA JP Bioenergy and EUBIA networks, partners in the Horizon 2020 RIA projects 4refinery and HyFlexFuel and the MCSA ITN ENSYSTRA and lead partner in the Horizon 2020 RIA project NextGenRoadFuels.

A main aspect of the research activities is to use cutting edge results in the training of highly qualified Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Ph.D. candidates within the field of Thermal Energy and Process Engineering (TEPE) and Bioenergy Systems, offered by the Energy Study Programme at Aalborg University. If you have an interest in working with advanced biofuels for energy as a part of your studies, you are welcome to investigate the possibilities. We also welcome guest students from all over the world.
If you are interesting in becoming a guest student, please see here: Exchange & Erasmus.