AAU Energy
Offshore Wind Farms Large-Scale Integration in Turkey - WindFlag
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Please refer to this website for citations and references as: www.windflag.energy.aau.dk
Grant and Period
WindFlag is sponsored by The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark and supported by Danida Fellowship Centre.
Project No- 19-M03-AAU

Turkey is one of the fastest-growing energy markets in the world, with an annual 8% increase in energy demand. By the end of 2018, the total installed capacity and electricity production of Turkey was 88.5 GW and 300.7 TWh, respectively. Nowadays, more than 70% of all electricity production is supplied by fossil resources, and almost 30% of all electricity production comes from renewables, mainly hydro, while wind constitutes only 6.6 % of the total electricity mix.
The wind and solar energy rate in total consumption are planned to be increased by at least 30% in the coming five years according to the 2023 vision plan of Turkey. However, due to the intermittent nature of wind energy, large-scale wind power integration may pose some serious challenges to Turkey’s power system. Therefore, planning analysis and designing efforts are required to ensure the smooth, secure and reliable operation of Turkey's power system and electricity markets considering large-scale wind power integration. WindFlag aims at solving relevant challenges of large scale OWPP deployment and integration into the Turkish grid, such as extreme weak-grid situations, islanding conditions, and large harmonics and resonances.

Therefore, on the basis of that project, WindFlag will combine state-of-the-art methods from different disciplines into a novel co-creation approach for creating new tools, methods, and models for large-scale wind power integration, and therefore, it will directly contribute to both Turkish and Danish development visions as well as relevant sustainable development goals including SDG7 “Affordable and clean energy”, SDG13 “Climate action”, and SDG17 “Partnership for the Goals”.

WindFlag will strengthen cooperation, knowledge sharing, and research and development activities between Danish and Turkish actors in the energy sector. It will create not only a strong synergy between universities in terms of researchers training and support for future innovation projects and fundraising, but also associate them together with industry and public authorities for strategic value creation and higher quality assurance in skills, knowledge, and entrepreneurship. Planning and analysis tools are expected to be used by private sector consultants, private sector investment for OWPPs, systems operators, among others.
WindFlag core research activities will be within the following aspects:
- Determining the optimal installation sites and generation capacities
- Identifying harmonic problems due to the aggregation of OWPPs to the Turkish grid.
- Developing coordinated control among OWPPs and other power plants, by considering the integration of ESS.