AAU Energy
Hybrid ElectriC regional Aircraft distribution TEchnologies - HECATE
Latest news
Please refer to this website for citations and references as: https://www.hecate.energy.aau.dk/

Grant and Period
Project period: 2023 - 2026.
HECATE is sponsored by Clean Aviation and co-founded by The European Union.

HECATE is a European project co-funded by EU Horizon Europe programme and Clean Aviation partnership under GA 101101961. It is adressing high-voltage distribution technologies for HEP in regional segment, and gathers 37 partners from 10 member states from EU and UK (partners being supported by UKRI). HECATE will address the challenges of system weight and power density, high-voltage challenges with lightning, arcing and electromagnetic interference as well as optimized thermal management, in addition to digitizing the design process with digital twins. About Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking : The Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking is the European Union’s leading research and innovation programme for transforming aviation towards a sustainable and climate neutral future. Pulling together the best talent and capabilities of the private and public sectors and developing cutting-edge technologies and making these available for a transformational leap in aircraft performance in the 2030s, the Clean Aviation Joint Undertaking will pave the way towards the EU’s ambition of climate neutrality by 2050. Operating at the centre of a broad and diverse eco-system of players across Europe ranging from the aeronautical community, pioneering SMEs, research establishments and academia, it acts as a hub for new ideas and bold innovations. As a European public-private partnership, Clean Aviation pushes aeronautical science beyond the limits of imagination by creating new technologies that will significantly reduce aviation's impact on the planet, enabling future generations to enjoy the social and economic benefits of air travel far into the future. Visit our website to find out more about Clean Aviation: www.clean-aviation.eu