

How the research group - Batteries is linked to AAU Energy missions
Throughout its research activities, the Batteries research group is mainly supporting the following AAU Energy missions:
- Circular economy and carbon capture – Batteries retired from electric vehicles still have enough performance and can be repurposed in a second-life application postponing thus their recycling, which is far from being an established market. New methods for battery diagnostics and state estimation can enhance the adoption and popularization of the battery second life concept.
- Electrification and integration – Due to their high performance and modularity, batteries represent one of the key energy storage technologies for the electrification of various sectors such as transportation, industrial applications etc. It is our aim to develop advanced models and algorithms, which will optimize the battery operation in such applications resulting in extended battery lifetime and maximized profit for the user.
- Renewable generation and energy islands – Most of the time batteries are seen as an asset for renewable generation as they can reduce their drawback in terms of variability, controllability, and not 100% predictability. Optimal power and energy management of batteries can enhance the renewables' grid integration and support the grid in a similar way as conventional generating units do.