EFFORT - Electrification and flexibility services from Greenport North
Partners in the EFFORT project
EFFORT's consortium covers the entire value chain with a collection of both private industries, a DSO, balance managers, a GTS Institute and university. In addition, local companies at the port and Hjørring Kommune will be involved in the project. Read more about the project's partners here:
Aalborg University, AAU Energy
AAU Energy (AAUET) are the project manager in EFFORT. They carry out research and teaching at the highest level within the entire energy area for the benefit of both industry and Danish society. In EFFORT, AAUET contributes with their expertise in smart energy systems and flexibility with a focus on optimization of sector coupling, multi-energy systems, flexible electricity consumption, and integration of renewable energy. In addition to their project leadership, AAUET's skills come into play widely during the project - especially in connection with the development of technical dynamic models and management.
Link to homepage: AAU Energy.
Greenport North P/S
Greenport North (GPN) is located at the Port of Hirtshals and works for the green development of the port through new renewable energy solutions, sector coupling and circular economy. As a central player in the port's transformation, GPN has extensive experience with innovation, design, and development of value chains for green development. GPN contributes with their experience within establishing framework conditions and optimizing value chains. They have a central role in setting up scenarios, demonstration activities and drawing up a roadmap for the port's future development.
Link to homepage: Greenport North P/S.
Port of Hirtshals
Port of Hirtshals is a hub for heavy transport, fishing, industry, and the maritime industry. They work purposefully to become the epicenter for the production and consumption of green energy, and support new initiatives for business development at the port. HH forms the physical framework for EFFORT and must help develop use cases and demonstration scenarios. The port has a close dialogue with the users and must support the companies of the port in being able to provide energy flexibility in the future.
Link to homepage: Port of Hirtshals.
CenterDenmark (CDK) provides digital infrastructure that supports actors in the energy sector in developing new data-driven solutions. The company has established the Digital Energy Hub, which ensures results from new research to become available and brought into play in the energy sector through the digital infrastructure. In EFFORT, CDK offers a data platform from where they will collect, store, sort and combine data to test and validate. In this connection, the platform sets up the necessary framework for compliance with GDPR rules without compromising the obtained data. CDK is responsible for the development and implementation of the local data hub at the port.
Link to homepage: CenterDenmark.
Nord Energi Net A/S
Nord Energi Net (NEN) owns and operates the electricity grid in Vendsyssel and supplies around 100.000 customers. The path towards 100% renewable energy is connected to a new Power2X strategy. Through the project, NEN will investigate cooperation opportunities in relation to the development of the electricity grid. NEN contributes with strong competences in the development of the electrical power grid and how flexibility services can influence the capacity needs in the power grid. In EFFORT, NEN is responsible for the analysis of the established models for the electrical infrastructure.
Link to homepage: Nord Energi Net A/S.
Centrica Energy Trading
Centrica Energy Trading A/S (CET) is a multinational energy service and energy trading company. They are leaders within energy management and optimization based on their trading set up in all electricity markets, gas markets and guarantees of origin. In EFFORT, CET contributes with great expertise in electricity trading both for private households, the industry and society in general. Their professional focus is on the future sustainable energy structure. They are responsible for optimizing and managing flexibility services for the electricity markets in the project.
Link to homepage: Centrica Energy Trading.
PlanEnergi (PE) is an organization that aims to promote the use of resource-saving and environment-preserving systems and strives to be at the forefront of developments in renewable energy and energy efficiency. PE provides advice in all kinds of implementation and development projects in the energy sector, as well as in planning, development, design around biogas, Power2X, wind and solar energy. In EFFORT, they will work on the formation of scenarios as well as the coverage the data needs. They will also contribute with their technical knowledge.
Link to homepage: PlanEnergi.
EMD International A/S
EMD International A/S (EMD) provides software, advice, training and knowledge to companies and institutions around various investigation phases for wind farms, hybrid energy solutions and complex energy systems both nationally and internationally. EMD contributes with expertise in the development of simulation tools within wind, energy, and energy trading, and is responsible for the larger system simulations in EFFORT.
Link to homepage: EMD International A/S.
Danish Technological Institute
The Danish Technological Institute (DTI) strengthens the business community in meeting the technological and business challenges of the future. They help their customers develop new technologies and convert knowledge into value. In the area of Energy and Climate, DTI works with new solutions in the energy area, including energy efficiency, renewable energy, and smart energy. In addition to the Institute's extensive knowledge within energy systems, they contribute with their competences in energy analysis, data processing and advanced models for energy systems. DTI puts advanced laboratory facilities at the projects disposal, work with data collection, help build the digital data hub, and ultimately be responsible for communicating and disseminating the results og the project.
Link to homepage: Danish Technological Institute.