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Use case 2-6: Electrical flexibility from and energy optimization of companies at Port of Hirtshals

EFFORT will design an intelligent management system for various energy processes at several companies at Port of Hirtshals in order to create flexible and optimized energy consumption. Five companies have chosen to participate and provide access to their data in order to uncover their options for flexibility services and management of electricity consumption in relation to electricity market prices. The five companies are:

•         The Fish Terminal

•         The Research Park

•         Danish Salmon

•         Lineage

•         Biomega

The project will set up a use case for each company.


What will EFFORT achieve with the use cases?

The purpose of the use cases around the companies is to:

•         Maximize electrical flexibility,

•         Optimization of various energy processes,

•         Minimizing energy loss,

•         Provide economic benefit to the industries,

•         Shift the peak load from high price periods to low price periods.

The electricity supply may also wish to minimize their peak load to ensure the overall capacity of the grid. In this way, the industries will potentially have two different price signals that they should optimize according to – one from the electricity market (spot and balancing market), and one regarding the electricity tariff from the utility company for transporting the electricity. These signals are not coordinated, and electricity market prices can be very fluctuating and thus affect the total costs for the industry.

How will EFFORT work with the use cases?

The focus is on the efficient use of sensors and data for analyzes of the existing energy consumption at various companies. The analyzes are used to create forecasts for energy flexibility in a sector coupled system, and to show how the flexibility can be used to optimize green energy consumption in relation to local production.

Based on measurements at the selected companies, models are drawn up for the processes in the industries. The models simulate how industry can help minimize peak loads and ensure a more even distribution of electricity consumption through flexible management of their energy consumption. At the same time, consumption is adjusted to any local production at the port. Simulations will show any periods where energy-intensive processes can be moved to other periods without it going beyond the overall activity in the company or having an impact on overall production and quality.



Measurement indicators for the use case

To assess the companies' performance in relation to the current situation, measurement indicators have been set up that can show the effect of the new energy management in the future. The measurement results from all indicators show minimization of peak loads via flexibility services. A reduction thus describes the relationship between a situation without control/flexibility and a situation where control/flexibility is present. The indicators are:

•         Reduction of peak load (MW and in %)

•         Time to start up (dynamic response) (s)

•         Total flexibility performance MWh/day

•         Minimizing forecast errors for loads and production (%) – parameters could be power load, excess heat, temperature variations, etc.

•         Minimization of costs for active management of flexibility compared to the baseline (without management) (kr or %)

•         Energy loss kWh

•         Total consumption of electricity (kWh), water (l) and heating/cooling (kWh)

In addition, there will be additional individual measurement indicators for the individual industries depending on the current production in the companies.

To assess the parameters, an overview of different parts of processes in the industry is necessary – e.g. electricity and heat consumption or temperatures. New measuring units are therefore set up to obtain the necessary data.


Position in the green transition

Flexibility services and the possibility to adapt one's consumption according to local production are crucial for the green transition. In the case of major integration of renewable energy sources with fluctuating production, it is important that the industry can contribute to shifting as much consumption as possible to periods of high production. In this way, wind turbine and solar cell production can be used locally. The solutions, which are shown in the use cases for the companies, will demonstrate how optimized utilization of green power can be realized in practice.