Renewable Energy Generation and Energy Islands

Renewable Energy Generation and Energy Islands

Energy islands will be the biggest construction project in Danish history and one of the most revolutionising energy ideas ever attempted, which will allow new renewable energy solutions with higher value.
There are many unknowns and a large room for new ideas ranging from new technologies to new operation strategies, while covering everything in between (e.g. planning, design, control algorithms, grid integration)
This makes this mission important for a green future, as we can coordinate and aggregate different competences in an area that requires such.

Presentation of Renewables and Energy Islands
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Presentation of Renewables and Energy Islands
About the mission
The mission group's members are from four main expertise areas: Generation, Storage, System Integration and Reliability.
Radical ideas for generation and storage have always two main challenges: 1 – What is the reliability? 2 -How to integrate into a complex electric grid? From the grid perspective, new ideas are often unachievable due to the lack of reliable technology with the desired features. This leads to a vicious cycle of development that can only be broke by combining multiple facets.
This is the main strength of our mission: We are not afraid of proposing and trying radical ideas 'outside the box', as the complementary of our different backgrounds helps smoothing their development. We also know that failure is a part of research and by combining our very diverse experiences our previous or current failures might become successes.
Alongside, by incorporating the aforementioned different competences, we research and develop sound technical solutions satisfying the needs of various stakeholders, no matter how disruptive the concept or the paradigm change.
Energy Islands
Energy islands will be the biggest construction project in Danish history and one of the most revolutionising energy ideas ever attempted, which will allow new renewable energy solutions with higher value.
There are many unknowns and a large room for new ideas ranging from new technologies to new operation strategies, while covering everything in between (e.g. planning, design, control algorithms, grid integration, …).
This makes this mission important for a green future, as we can coordinate and aggregate different competences in an area that requires such.
UN Sustainable Development Goals:
The main interrelation is with goal 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy. Additionally:
Goal 9 - Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
Goal 13 - Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
EU missions
- Climate-neutral and smart cities
- Adaptation to climate change including societal transformation
- Healthy oceans, seas coastal and inland waters
Denmark missions and roadmaps
- Carbon capture and storage or utilization
- Green fuels for transportation and industry (Power-to-X etc.)
Faculty focus areas
- Energy Production and Distribution
- Flexible and Efficient Energy Consumption
- Future transport and mobility
The success of the mission requires collaboration with rather different stakeholders:
- Manufacturers and vendors, from those delivering turnkey solutions to those building individual components, essential to research reliable and feasible solutions.
- Power companies for a joint-development of solutions that improve the efficiency, support capability and value of our renewable energy resources.
- Power-to-X developers for a multi-vector energy system capable of an integrating excessive renewable power generation and reduce the impact of its intermittence.
- Grid operators like TSOs (Transmission System Operators), DSOs (Distribution System Operators) and RSC (Regional System Coordinator) for a smooth, economic and reliable integration of all energy sources.
- Interest groups like local associations to assure that all solutions can be integrated in the landscape and not only accepted, but even supported by the population.
- Finally, and definitely not least, other research institutions so that we can sum our different expertise and together accelerate the green transition.
To accomplish:
Disruptive ideas that increase the share of renewables, while guaranteeing an extremely high security of supply via a reliable grid integration of large parks (wind and solar) and prosumers. We accomplish this by increasing the efficiency of generation and storage, improving ancillary services, combining energy vectors, and developing solutions with high scalability, reliability and adaptability
Research leading to energy islands that revolutionize the way we think on renewable energy generation, sector coupling and grid operation.
A more flexible integration of renewables, storage/conversion and flexible grid operation, by improving the interfaces, leading to a smarter energy system.
Word-class research in the areas or renewables and energy islands, as well as the respective grid integration.
To influence:
The design, operation and interconnection of energy islands.
The combination of renewable generation with new electric storage and PtX solutions for improved holistic solutions handling both short and long-term storages.
The expansion of power grids (transmission, distribution and micro) and the incorporation of power electronic devices, for increasing the share of renewables.
To impact:
A power grid where Denmark’s energy islands are not only a reality, but also the benchmark for the entire world in regards to sector coupling, interoperability, energy hub modelling and techno-economical design.
An electric grid where all generation is emission neutral (greenhouse gases), while maintaining a high power quality and security-of-supply.
The cooperation between academia and industry so that risky ideas have higher chances of implementation.
Denmark and the Department of Energy Technology are leaders and visionaries in regards to renewable energy generation and their grid integration. The high success in integrating renewables means that Denmark is among the first reaching the tipping point where decades-old principles and solutions will no longer apply, with others following soon. New radical ideas, technologies and changes are necessary if we are to have the reliable and economical access to green electricity that we are accustomed: a good example are the new and innovative energy islands that are a strong focus for us. This need is even more important as with an increasing consumption, more renewable generation is required and any problems in electricity supply (i.e. low security of supply) might have catastrophic consequences.
We envision our research helping Denmark to continue not only as a leader and exporter of knowledge and technology in renewable energy generation, but to become also in the fields on energy islands and transmission/distribution. We can show how to reduce emissions and to improve society’s well-being, while developing ideas that help creating green jobs and society reaching its green goals.