Digital Transformation and AI for Smart and Resilient Energy Systems

Digital Transformation and AI for Smart and Resilient Energy Systems

Artificial intelligence entails an entirely new way of making decisions, in which computers and algorithms play a more significant role.

Presentation of Digital Transformation and AI
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Presentation of Digital Transformation and AI
About the mission
The mission activities will observe and follow data regulations in different countries and regions, e.g., the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in EU. It will follow the FAIR (Finable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) principle. Data generated from the the mission activities will be as open as possible and as closed as necessary.
Denmark being one of the most digitized countries, the DTAI mission perfectly aligns with the Danish strategy for AI as a front-runner for energy applications. The outcomes will consolidate the competitive advantages of Danish energy research and the relevant industry sectors.
UN-SDG 4, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, and 17.
Collaborations include research institutions specialized in Mathematics, Computer Science, or Data Science, and industry companies in energy sectors and AI applications.
To enable autonomous, resilient, and reliable energy systems with improved energy efficiency and minimized life-cycle-cost. The evolving modern energy systems require new principles and operational practices. It means we must develop and implement new and updated system tools. With continued digitalization, increasing amounts of operational and environmental data become available. It provides us a solid foundation to explore new opportunities in applying Artificial Intelligence (AI) to the design, control, operation optimization, condition monitoring, maintenance, and recycling of energy materials, components, assemblies and systems. The effective implementation of AI for energy applications relies on in-depth understandings of the engineering problems and their modelling in deterministic/stochastic environments, data collection/analytics methods, forecasting and affordable algorithms and hardware implementations.
Enabling the next leap in transforming energy systems by bridging the research and innovation in energy, digitalization, and AI, contributing to the green transition towards a climate-neutral society.
To maximize the scientific and societal impact of our energy research and innovation by facilitating the collaborative efforts from the best talents to leveraging the state-of-the-art digitalization and AI concepts for engineering applications.