Smart Energy Systems Laboratory

Smart Energy Systems Laboratory

Intelligence across systems is a strict requirement to transform the system planning and energy strategies for environmental friendly and sustainable future. However, there are only few smart energy installations or real-time systems that allow to experience the challenges and develop the required standards for the business. In order to realize the energy balance and economic benefits in a system with high penetration of renewables, increasing demand, flexible loads, increased transmission capacity, international trading and new actors, a close synergy between energy vectors is foreseeable. The main aspects of such intelligent energy systems are the ICT infrastructure, energy networks and systems itself. The research and development activities in this area need to account for actual control and communication layers upon a realistic model of the energy networks and systems, which requires scientific expertise as well as highly specialized hardware and software.
The Smart Energy Systems Laboratory is a multidisciplinary cyber-physical system that captures all domains, layers and zones from the Smart Grid Architecture Model (SGAM) in a Real-Time Hardware-In-the-Loop framework. It enables the Model Based Design approach for intelligent energy systems analytics and functionalities.

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