EMC Laboratory

EMC Laboratory

Although power electronic systems are a key enabler as a cross-functional technology in the energy conversion process, but due to their inherent switching behavior they exhibit disturbing electromagnetic noises. The pulse energy conversion of power electronic converters leads to serious Electromagnetic Interference (EMI), which cause the power grid to operate in an unpredictable and undesirable fashion. With the increase penetration of power electronics systems and advent of new Wide-Band Gap (WBG) devices capable of operating at high switching frequency with significant voltage and current transients, the complexity of modern power electronics systems will be elevated. Therefore, it highlights the importance of Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) in power electronics converters.
The EMC Laboratory mission is validating and improving EMC in power converter and hence accelerating deployment of modern power electronics systems in order to cope with current and future power grid. The laboratory is equipped with latest hardware and EMI measurement platforms in order to investigate EMC, harmonics, conducted and radiated emissions under different grid faults and loading conditions. The EMC Laboratory is designed to tackle real-world grid and power electronics challenges in close partnership with industry and research institutes at national and international levels.
The laboratory provides suitable research environment for PhD/Master courses and projects programmed in AAU. Every year the laboratory hosts many visiting researchers and guest PhDs around the world due to its powerful proof of concept platform.


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