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Drone and Robotics Laboratory

The offshore robotic systems can assist the offshore energy production in a much more reliable, effective and environmentally friendly manner. The Offshore Drone and Robotics Lab focuses on research and development of dedicated inspection robot platforms, inspection tools and their corresponding applications.

Drone and Robotics Laboratory

The offshore robotic systems can assist the offshore energy production in a much more reliable, effective and environmentally friendly manner. The Offshore Drone and Robotics Lab focuses on research and development of dedicated inspection robot platforms, inspection tools and their corresponding applications.

These robotic systems support the research and development in the areas of mechanical and hydraulic system analysis & design, control system design & implementation, as well as diverse offshore robotic applications, such as aerial oil-spill monitoring, subsea pipeline inspection, pipeline inner-condition inspection, subsea well/sensor data collection. These robot systems also support our investigation and development of semi-autonomous and autonomous offshore robotic systems and their applications.

The Drone Laboratory provides facilities for development of various drone technologies and sensing equipment which could be applied to the drones. The laboratory is equipped with various drone platforms: from quad/hexa-copters, to pipeline crawlers, to remotely operated underwater vehicles.

The laboratory is located at Aalborg University Esbjerg Campus.

Further information

AAU Esbjerg - Drone Technology

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