Department Workshops
Department Workshops
This group of laboratories comprises the followings general labs:
- Machine Workshop
- Assembly Workshop
- Heavy Laboratory
- Model Workshop
- Flexible Laboratory
These laboratories have a wide range of facilities to accommodate all demands – from small scale to large installations, and this means that almost anything, from a prototype to larger objects, can be manufactured, upon request.
The expertise and longstanding experience of the technical staff is crucial when researchers, who may carry out specific tests or try out new and challenging ideas, make requests for custom-made solutions.
Workshop Promotion Video
Contact Information
Department workshop staff
Machine Workshop - Pontoppidanstraede 105, room 1.126, 9220, Aalborg East
Assembly Workshop - Pontoppidanstraede 105, room 2.105, 9220, Aalborg East
Heavy Laboratory - Pontoppidanstraede 105, room 2.117, 9220, Aalborg East
Model Workshop - Pontoppidanstraede 105, room 1.107, 9220, Aalborg East