AAU Energy
Contact and student guidance
The student study counsellors can help you with questions regarding the study programmes, admission requirements, study technique, exemptions, exam rules, your well-being at the university, career opportunities as well as doubts and concerns about studying in Denmark.
The student study counsellors are under an obligation to maintain confidentiality and you can always reach out to them anonymously.
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Tine Lindegaard Hansen is study secretary for 1st and 2nd semesters on Bachelor's programmes and 3rd to 6th semesters on General Engineering.
E-mail: tlha@energy.aau.dk
Phone: (+45) 9940 9753
Lisbeth Holm Nørgaard and Trine de Pont Nielsen are study secretaries for 3rd - 6th semesters on Bachelor's programme in Energy Engineering and 1st - 4th semesters on Master's programmes in Energy Engineering.
Email: lhn@energy.aau.dk
Phone: (+45) 9940 3311
Email: tpn@energy.aau.dk
Phone: (+45) 9940 9277
Sara Lindberg Hildebrandt is study secretary for 1st and 2nd semesters on Bachelor's programmes.
E-mail: slh@staff.aau.dk
Phone: (+45) 9940 7613
Britta Marie Jensen is study secretary for 3rd - 6th semesters on Bachelor's programmes and 1st - 4th semesters on master's programmes.
Email: bj@staff.aau.dk
Phone: (+45) 9940 7693
Anne Linde Poulsen is study secretary for 1st to 6th semesters on Bachelor of Engineering programmes in Civil Engineering and Mechanical Engineering.
Email: ap@staff.aau.dk
Phone: (+45) 9940 7612
The Chair of the Study Board of Energy can help you with individual curricula/study plans and guidance if you have not passed your exams.
The Study Board Secretary can help you with questions about applying for exemptions, credit transfer, prior approval, traineeships and student excursions.
Tamas Kerekes is the Chair of the Study Board of Energy.
E-mail: studyboard@energy.aau.dk
Phone: (+45) 9940 3308
Gitte Hageman Christensen is the Study Board Secretary.
E-mail: studyboard@energy.aau.dk
Phone: (+45) 9940 9247
The Chair of the Study Board of Build, Energy, Electronics and Mechanics in Esbjerg can help you with individual curricula/study plans and guidance if you have not passed your exams.
The Study Board Secretary can help you with questions about applying for exemptions, credit transfer, prior approval, traineeships and student excursions.
Matthias Mandø is the Chair of the Study Board of Build, Energy, Electronics and Mechanics in Esbjerg.
E-mail: studyboardBEEM@energy.aau.dk
Phone: (+45) 9940 3308
Anette Lundsgaard Larsen is the Study Board Secretary.
E-mail: studyboardBEEM@energy.aau.dk
Phone: (+45) 9940 3623
The Head of Studies can answer questions about quality assurance, curriculum amendments, exam cheating and plagiarism.
Mads Pagh Nielsen is Head of Studies at AAU Energy.
Email: mpn@energy.aau.dk
Phone: (+45) 9940 9259
AAU Energy
Pontoppidanstraede 111
DK-9220 Aalborg Oest
Niels Bohrs Vej 8
DK-6700 Esbjerg