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HomeAbout the Department

AAU Energy

Health and Safety


AAU Energy has a large number of research laboratories, and safety in our labs is a main priority. We expect all our employees, students and guests to make this their priority also – both your own safety and that of others.


The safety work of AAU Energy is organised around the Working Environment Committee. The structure of the Working Environment Committee follows the “Bekendtgørelse nr. 739 af 22. september 1997” regarding safety and health care in companies.

The Working Environment Committee is responsible for safety and health conditions in all offices and laboratories under AAU Energy in both Aalborg and Esbjerg; for all students as well as for all employees.

Below you will find a list of committee members as well as further practical information about whom to contact regarding each laboratory.


Students, who want to work in the laboratories, are obliged to attend a Course in Laboratory Safety before they are allowed to work in the laboratories. This also applies to PhD students and guests. Employees working with chemicals at Department of Energy are obliged to attend a Course in Chemical safety. These courses are held approximately every half year. The only possible exception from the mandatory safety course is a comprehensive personal instruction for a specific task in a laboratory.

A list of students allowed to work in the laboratories can be found here: Students allowed to work in the laboratories.

A list of employees allowed to handle chemicals in the laboratories can be found here: Employees allowed to handle chemicals.

Everyone working in the laboratories must fill out a Work Place Permit, which may be found here: Work Place Permit. If you wish to save the changes you make to the Work Place Permit, you must send the file to your own e-mail and then you can edit that file.


In all our laboratories, you will find dedicated posters detailing the specific safety information for that particular laboratory.

It is a precondition for your work in the laboratory that you have obtained a Work Place Permit and that you have studied thoroughly the general safety rules. Information about these rules may be found here:


Important notification: Guests working in our laboratories are NOT covered by insurance taken out by the Department of Energy or Aalborg University. If you plan to work in the laboratories, you MUST ensure, that you are covered by a private full-time accident and liability insurance – or a similar type of insurance through your employer. The Department of Energy reserves the right to expel any guest, who do not hold a valid insurance covering laboratory activities.


The Working Environment Committee urge all employees and students to give special attention to the following:

Always keep the laboratory nice and clean: tidy up after yourself!
Do not bring coffee, etc. to the laboratories
We recommend that you bring a telephone in case you need to call for help.


The Department has more than 30 different laboratories and for each laboratory both academic as well as technical/administrative responsible people have been appointed. A complete list of lab responsible and their corresponding Working Environment contact persons can be found here.

Tasks and obligations of the lab responsible can be found here.


AAU Energy Working Environment Committee, October 2024
Working Environment
appointed by the Management
elected by Employees
Office-TAP Rikke Steensbæk Christian Winther Dissing
LAB-TAP Henrik Røjkjær Mathiasen Ina Jensen
Section A Claus Leth Bak Najmeh Bazmohammadi
Section B Stig Munk-Nielsen Tamas Kerekes
Section C Pooya Davari Mateja Novak 
Section D Henrik C. Pedersen Peter Omand Rasmussen
Section E Henrik Sørensen Simon Lennart Sahlin
Esbjerg Simon Pedersen Mads Valentin Bram