

AAU Energy

AAU Energy Research Day

AAU Energy invites companies, collaborators, alumni, researchers, and other parties interested in energy technology and innovation to our annual Research Day. This year’s theme is ePower-to-X: From Idea to Innovation and Impact.


Thomas Manns Vej 25, 9220 Aalborg East

  • 25.04.2023 09:00 - 16:00

  • Open to all

  • English

  • On location



Thomas Manns Vej 25, 9220 Aalborg East

25.04.2023 09:00 - 16:0025.04.2023 09:00 - 16:00


On location


AAU Energy

AAU Energy Research Day

AAU Energy invites companies, collaborators, alumni, researchers, and other parties interested in energy technology and innovation to our annual Research Day. This year’s theme is ePower-to-X: From Idea to Innovation and Impact.


Thomas Manns Vej 25, 9220 Aalborg East

  • 25.04.2023 09:00 - 16:00

  • Open to all

  • English

  • On location



Thomas Manns Vej 25, 9220 Aalborg East

25.04.2023 09:00 - 16:0025.04.2023 09:00 - 16:00


On location


This year the annual AAU Energy Research Day focuses on showing how research can turn into business ideas and thus make a difference in the green transition, also outside of Aalborg University.

The event includes interesting keynote speakers, themed sessions, a debate and a tour of our world class laboratories. A new addition to our traditional Research Day is a pitch event where start up companies focusing on ePower-to-X and green transition are given the opportunity to present their innovative business ideas to possible investors.

Join us in Aalborg for a day of creative ideas, technological challenges and fruitful and inspiring discussions about subjects that are defining our future.

Keynote speeches

Presenters (see programme below)
“Production of SOEC electrolyzer stacks for green hydrogen and production of green ammonia and e-Methanol”
Kim Grøn Knudsen, Chief Strategic and Innovation Officer, Topsøe09:30 - 10:00
“Diving below zero GHG emissions: how the energy transition and industrial transformation can deliver on climate targets, circularity and sound economics”
Andre Faaij, Director of Science TNO Energy Transition, Professor Energy Systems Analysis at Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University10:00 - 10:25
“PtX Converter Design and Control”
Niels Gade, Director of Innovation, Danfoss Power Electronics10:25 - 10:50

According to the latest climate plans from the Danish government, the production of electricity from wind and solar power should be increased significantly in the years to come. This is crucial in order to enhance the green transition and ensure the supply of necessary electricity in the future energy systems, where the use of oil and gas is no longer an option. ePower-to-X is about the utilization and integration of electrical energy from renewable sources into the Danish energy system – both as direct use of electricity in the application (e.g., EVs, household) – but also converting the electrical power into hydrogen/e-gases for usage in energy intensive applications. All-important technology areas which will be discussed on AAU Energy’s Research Day.

AAU Energy is very strong on research into all aspects of the ePower-to-X systems: from the ePower infrastructure, over conversion, to green fuels, heat, and transportation.

The “e” in ePower-to-X represents our ability to ensure a robust and balanced electrical system in the future Power-to-X systems. Therefore, this year’s Research Day has a high focus on how new infrastructure should be built to ensure flexibility and optimal use of the green energy produced.

There will also be discussions and presentations about CCUS (carbon capture, utilization and storage) as ePower-to-X also relates to these topics. Capturing CO2 directly from the air or from point source emitters, alongside hydrogen production, is an integral part of future energy storage aspects in an energy system dominated by intermittent renewable energy sources.

ePower-to-X is also highly relevant in the power intensive transport sector. The use of energy here has until now depended on oil and gas, but, in the future, this also needs to come from renewable and green energy sources. One solution is charging of electrical vehicles correlated to renewable energy production with energy produced from renewable sources. ePower-to-X also enables conversion of power via electrolysis into hydrogen, which can be used directly or indirectly as fuel for transportation, including in planes, ferries, and large vehicles. On the AAU Energy Research Day, we will demonstrate how green electricity can make a difference in covering some of the supply shortage issues in this field, when the use of oil and gas must be avoided.


Download the programme below
Registration 08:30 - 09:30
Breakfast rolls from09:00 - 09:30
Vice-Head of AAU Energy, Professor Birgitte Bak-Jensen09:30 - 09:35
Keynote speeches
Keynotes09:35 - 10:50
Coffee10:50 - 11:10
AAU Energy presentations
Three panel sessions: Infrastructure, components as well as integration and processes11:10 - 12:30
Lunch, including poster session
Standing lunch12:30 - 13:00
Poster session, pitch event and lab tours
  • Poster session 12:30 - 14:30
  • Pitch event 13:00 - 14:30
  • Laboratory tour 13:15 - 14:15
Panel discussion 14:30 - 15:30
  • Kim Grøn Knudsen, Topsoe A/S, Chief Innovation & Strategy Officer
  • André Faaij, Director of Science TNO Energy Transition & Professor, Utrecht University
  • Niels Gade, Danfoss Power Electronics A/S, Director of Innovation
  • Steen Hintze, CEO, Greenport North
  • Søren Knudsen Kær, Head of Technology, Power-to-X at European Energy A/S
  • Preben Birr-Pedersen, IDA PtX expert
Closing remarks
Head of AAU Energy, Professor Lasse Rosendahl15:30 - 15:35
Refreshments15:35 - 16:00

Detailed programme: AAU Energy Research Day 2023.

Additional information to the programme

Poster session

Our second year PhD students will show their work in a poster session. Participants get the opportunity to see new ideas and solutions to our societal challenges and engage in discussions with our youngest researchers. Here you will also see the broad range of AAU Energy’s research solutions designed to contribute to the green transition.

Pitch event

Startup companies focusing on ePower-to-X and green transition are given the opportunity to present their innovative business ideas to possible investors.

Lab tours

We are proud to show you our world class laboratories. During the tour you will among others visit our X-Power - Power Electronics Reliability test facilities, EMC laboratory and High Voltage lab.

See all our laboratories here: Laboratory facilities at AAU Energy.


Video from AAU Energy Research Day 2023


Video from AAU Energy Research Day 2023

The AAU Energy reseach day is organised in cooperation with IDA Energi and Energy Cluster Denmark.