It's a good match. Dr. Rodriguez is Head of ICES, the Intelligent Clean Energy Systems research unit at LIST, the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, and Professor at the department of Electrical Engineering in the Technical University of Catalonia in Barcelona.
For several years Pedro Rodriguez did research in wind power systems at AAU Energy during an extended postdoc stay, where he also acted as co-supervisor of the Vestas Power Programme. He has 16 patents, and as an example invented the synchronous power control concept, SPC, one of the first solutions to implement the today popular grid forming converters. Dr. Rodriguez was the first to formally define and explain the now broadly used classifications of grid-forming, grid-supporting and grid-feeding.
Dr. Rodriguez says, he has always found an imaginative, creative and excellent research environment at Aalborg University, completed with market-oriented innovation. This has allowed transferring his experience and motivation to new generations of engineers and researchers, and collaboration with research colleagues on new ideas and concepts.
Pedro Rodriguez has participated in educational programs, worked with research and technology projects, developed technology for commercial products and leaded large international, multidisciplinary departments focused on research and technology.
At LIST research focus is on exploring new ground-breaking concepts based on multidisciplinary approaches and developing market-oriented solutions in the field of Intelligent Energy Systems, including intelligent power processing based on power electronics, renewables, energy storage, networked controllers, and computational intelligence.
There will be a guest lecture with Dr. Rodriguez form 13.00 to 14.30 on Thursday, April 20th.