At AAU, we already work actively with innovation through Problem Based Learning and a large focus on connecting students and research to the industry and general society. The project project enables even more initiatives in creating an entrepreneurial culture at the universities, for instance through different events for students and researchers.
The project is already resulting in interesting competitions and events across Europe, and we are very proud that three Applied Industrial Electronics students from AAU in Esbjerg won the Innovative Competition on December 16th.
The project is currently in phase 1 out of 3. This phase focuses on expanding structures within Higher Educational Institutions to improve the digital skills and abilities regarding innovation and entrepreneurship of the students as well as expanding processes to facilitate the knowledge and innovation transfer from universities to the market and policy making centers.
The other partners in the project include University of Parma, Ionian University, Warsaw University for Life Sciences, University of Niš, Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, Found.ation, Fondazione Fenice Onlus and A.B. Institute of Entrepreneurship Development Ltd. Visit the official website for the DIN-ECO project for more information.